Photoshop - Somewhere


Somewhere, a place that we were asked to place ourselves. The purpose of this piece is to put ourselves in an area that we would love to be or haven't been. Above, is either a picture that was taken from a drone or a helicopter. Accurately, this photo captures the NYC Marathon runners. I chose this photo because I want to one day run a marathon. As a retired student-athlete, I love competing and training for a goal.  

Above is the picture I chose for myself. I had a friend sit on top of their car and take this for me with their iPhone. We both thought it was a great idea to run with the sun beaming down on my right side to create the correct running shadow. I chose to use an iPhone for capturing this to match the blurry effect as much as possible. I will say I enjoyed choosing this for my first somewhere experiment because it wasn't overly challenging. It allowed me to focus on the small details of masking with photoshop and using the adjustment layers to create the best realistic version with myself included. 

Thank you, I'm looking forward to tackling this method of photoshop and challenging myself even further in the future!!


  1. Positive Feedback:
    1. I like the idea of the project and why you wanted to put yourself there!
    2. I like the creativity that you had to come up with in order to get the right angle.
    1. I would have chosen a more ground level picture to where we could actually see you. It took a while to find you since there are so many people in the photo and they are smaller.
    Other comments/questions:
    1. Overall I like the backstory behind the idea because it helps us learn more about you!

    1. Thank you for your feedback! I wasn't too thrilled with how this piece turned out and based on your comment on choosing a more ground leveled picture, I redid it, and it came out MUCH better.

  2. Molly, this is a great piece of work. It was very smart to pick this picture because your image is so well hidden in the crowd that all the editing and blending is very smooth. I think you outlined it great and darkened the brightness of your image to further pull off the effect. My only suggestion would be to flip your shadow so that yours matches the suns position and everyone else's. Keep up the great work!


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