Illustrator CC - Self Portrait- "Be True. Be You. Be Kind."

Illustrator CC - Self Portrait
"Be True. Be You. Be Kind."

I believe mantras inspire and give confidence to people so they can do or become whatever their heart desires. Furthermore, mantras have the ability to bring together large groups of people for one common goal.  For my self-portrait propaganda poster, I chose the quote “Be True. Be You. Be Kind.” because it personifies who I am. This mantra was first told to me by my mother right before the beginning of my sophomore year. It has stuck with me ever since.

Self-confidence is something that many people struggle with on a daily basis, because of their inability to “ignore the noise.” Too many people are told they look ugly, are fat, or have something else wrong with them. Those negative words can destroy individuals with very little self-confidence. Being true, being you, and being kind gives people the confidence they need to ignore the noise and simply be happy with who they are. I believe everyone is perfectly imperfect.




  1. 1. Two compliments about the work are
    -I think you did a great job creating your self portrait! It looks very similar to the original picture.
    -The detailing in the face is really good and I can tell you worked hard on really trying to mimic the original picture.

    2. Two suggestions about the work are
    -My suggestion would be to use a different color for the text to make the message stand out more.
    -The original photo has more detailing in the hair compared to the self portrait. I would have added more lines to create the curls in your hair.

    3. Any other ideas or comments
    -Overall, I think the portrait is great! What was your favorite and least favorite part of creating your portrait?

    1. Darienne,

      Thank you for the feedback!
      I really enjoyed creating my self-portrait and it was my favorite part of the entire project. It was my first time completing an artwork like this. Also, my least favorite part was creating my hair. I had a tough time trying to illustrate its actual features. However, with practice and time, I look forward to improving this design to make it even more realistic!

  2. Feedback:
    1. I like the detail you added in your eyes and your mouth it looks realistic.
    I also like your message, very relevant to the current pandemic.
    2. Maybe adding some details/strands to your hair.
    Also adding different colors to your hair (you have such pretty hair in your original photo, it would've been nice to see you try and recreate it in your portrait)
    3. I like how you included your necklace.

    1. Thank you for your feedback! I will most likely revisit this assignment to update it because when I was working on it, I struggled with the hair the most.


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